
Average score 739 Reviews
Joany DZINSY noted on Google

(Translated by Google) ...Never been disappointed with the all-you-can-eat buffet at the Royal Melun restaurant, we always went there. The boss is always smiling. The food is good, the service is perfect with a good atmosphere (Original) ...Jamais été deçu du buffet à volonté du resto Royal Melun, on y passait toujours. La patronne et le patron sont toujours souriant. La cuisine est bonne, le service est parfait avec de la bonne ambiance

7 months ago
Vincent Hostalier noted on Google

(Translated by Google) All-you-can-eat buffet Asian restaurant at a very reasonable price. Large selection of good quality dishes and desserts. Pleasant service. Clean and neat interior. (Original) Restaurant asiatique buffet à volonté au prix très raisonnable. Grand choix de plats et de desserts de bonne qualité. Service agréable. Intérieur propre et soigné.

7 months ago
Nathalie Bogard noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very varied all-you-can-eat buffet, good and with fresh products. Smiling and helpful welcome overall. Atmosphere in the heart of Asia 🙂👍 I go there regularly and with my family 👪 (Original) Buffet à volonté très variés, bon et avec des produits frais. Accueil souriant et serviable dans l'ensemble. Ambiance au cœur de l'Asie 🙂👍 J'y vais régulièrement et en famille 👪

8 months ago
altesse c. noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very pleasant restaurant, large choice and good food, clean, welcoming staff. In addition, the work carried out recently gives an even more friendly atmosphere and allows an even wider variety of dishes. (Original) Restaurant très agréable,grand choix et de bons mets ,propre,personnel accueillant .De plus les travaux effectués récemment donnent une ambiance encore plus sympathique et permettent une variété de plats encore plus vaste.

8 months ago
Nadine Carrion noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very very good, friendly and courteous staff. Very clean. Highly recommended. (Original) Très très bon, personnel aimable et courtois. Très propre. A recommander vivement.

8 months ago
ludovyk Z noted on Google

(Translated by Google) For me one of the best Asian restaurants I know, I highly recommend the value for money is great, that's why I will eat there as much as possible (Original) Pour moi l'un des meilleurs restaurant asiatique que je connaisse je recommande fortement le rapport qualité-prix est top c'est pour cela que je vais manger là-bas autant que faire se peut

8 months ago
LELIPHA noted on Google

8 months ago

8 months ago
Diana Codita noted on Google

8 months ago
Filou André noted on Google

8 months ago

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77000 Melun, France

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